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Evaluation of Entry Strategies

Evaluation of Entry strategies

When recommending entry strategies for a market, several factors need consideration, including the client’s objectives, market conditions, industry dynamics, regulatory environment, and resource availability. Here are some common entry strategies we recommend our clients based on above mentioned factors

Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)

  • Advising clients on acquiring existing businesses in the target market to gain immediate market presence, customer base, distribution channels, or intellectual property.
  • Conducting due diligence, valuation, negotiation, and integration support to ensure successful M&A transactions.

Joint Ventures (JV) and Strategic Alliances

  • Recommending partnerships with local companies or strategic partners to leverage their market knowledge, resources, networks, and expertise.
  • Facilitating negotiations, structuring joint venture agreements, and providing ongoing support in managing and optimizing joint venture relationships.

Greenfield Investments

  • Advising clients on establishing wholly-owned subsidiaries, branches, or production facilities in the target market to build a presence from scratch.
  • Providing support in site selection, investment analysis, regulatory compliance, and operational setup.


  • Suggesting franchising as a market entry strategy, particularly for businesses with established brands, concepts, and standardized operating procedures.
  • Assisting clients in developing franchise agreements, recruiting franchisees, and providing ongoing support in franchise management and expansion.

Licensing and Technology Transfer

  • Recommending licensing agreements or technology transfer arrangements to commercialize intellectual property, products, or technologies in the target market.
  • Facilitating negotiations, drafting licensing agreements, and providing support in technology transfer and knowledge exchange.

Exporting and International Sales

  • Encouraging clients to enter the target market through exporting or direct sales to customers, distributors, or retailers.
  • Assisting in export strategy development, market entry planning, distribution channel selection, and logistics management.

E-commerce and Online Marketplaces

  • Advising clients to leverage e-commerce platforms, online marketplaces, or digital channels to enter the target market, particularly in digital-first or tech-savvy industries.
  • Providing guidance on e-commerce strategy, platform selection, digital marketing, and cross-border logistics.

Strategic Investments and Minority Stakes

  • Recommending strategic investments or minority stakes in local companies or startups to gain exposure to the target market while minimizing risks and resource commitments.
  • Assisting in investment analysis, due diligence, negotiation, and ongoing portfolio management.
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